We make dogs happy!

"Dog's Happiness"
Exclusive clothes for dogs

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We draw your attention to the fact that any overalls that you like can be sewn to the size of your dog!
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Попона для собаки "Active"

"Active" от "Dog's Happiness"
Матеріал - плащівка Canada, утеплювач - силікон, підкладка - мікрофліс.

If you have ever looked at your dog and realized that he is frozen, you know perfectly well that our, small and not quite, four-legged pets need clothes just like humans.

At Dog's Happiness, we don't just care about warming our pets. We pay a lot of attention to the comfort and convenience of clothes, so that during the walk the dog is not hindered or hindered by his movement.

We have been developing clothes for dogs for more than 10 years and during this time we have created our own, original method of building a pattern of clothes. Our technique has been tested over time and we are sure that you will not find the best! When creating clothes for each client, we take into account all the needs of the dog, the wishes of the owner and the characteristics of the breed.

"Dog's Happiness" clothes is all your furry pet may need:
  • winter overalls;
  • raincoats;
  • blankets;
  • jackets;
  • vests;
  • skinny;
  • sweaters;
  • t-shirts;
  • mothers;
  • dresses;
  • knitted suits;
  • velor suits;
  • anthers;
  • and other.